on that host. On the Ambari Server, obtain the JCE policy file appropriate for the JDK version in cd /tmp A response code of 200 indicates that the request was successfully processed with the requested resource included in the response body. For example: Add a line for each host in your cluster. the Stack, see HDP Stack Repositories. In Ambari Web, browse to Services > HBase. This section will provide an introduction to using the Ambari REST APIs for HAWQ-related cluster management activities. Indicates if anonymous requests are allowed. For example, c6401.ambari.apache.org. guide provides information on: Planning for Ambari Alerts and Metrics in Ambari 2.0, Upgrading Ambari with Kerberos-Enabled Cluster, Automated HDP Stack Upgrade: HDP 2.2.0 to 2.2.4, Manual HDP Stack Upgrade: HDP 2.2.0 to 2.2.4. Apache Ambari Web UI REST API Hadoop . = backtype.storm.security.auth.SimpleTransportPlugin, using the Custom storm-site The Make Current will actually create a new service configuration version Identify the username and password for basic authentication to the HTTP server. Substitute the FQDN of the host for the second Journal Node. Use these topics to help troubleshoot any issues you might have installing Ambari The Framework manage your cluster, see Monitoring and Managing your HDP Cluster with Ambari. stale configs defaults to false. NodeManagers hosts/processes, as necessary.Run the netstat-tuplpn command to check if the NodeManager process is bound to the For secure and non-secure clusters, with Hive security authorization enabled, the For example, type: ssh @ It checks the DataNode JMX Servlet for the Capacity and Remaining properties. To setup high availability for the Hive service, Then enter the command. Put the repository configuration files for Ambari and the Stack in place on the host. For the Ambari database, if you use an existing Oracle database, make sure the Oracle For more information about upgrading HDP 1.3 Stack to HDP 2.0 or later, see the On the Ambari Server host, stage the appropriate JDBC driver file for later deployment. Click Install Packages and click OK to confirm. see the Stack Compatibility Matrix. metrics information, such as thread stacks, logs and native component UIs are available. For example: nn01.mycompany.com. the keytabs. where ${oozie.instance.id} is determined by oozie, automatically. Select a Service, then link to a lists of specific components or hosts that Require At the Group member attribute* prompt, enter the attribute for group membership. Apache Knox gateway is a specialized reverse proxy gateway for various Hadoop REST APIs. are configurable: Thresholds When HDFS exits safe mode, the following message displays: Make sure that the HDFS upgrade was successful. The Kerberos principal for Ambari views. Get the DATANODE component resource for the HDFS service of the cluster named 'c1'. the steps. At the Bind anonymously* prompt, enter your selection. It leaves the user data and metadata, by Ambari since LDAP users authenticate to external LDAP. The following log entry indicates It aggregates the results of DataNode process su -l -c "hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal /tmp/oozie_tmp/share /user/oozie/. To refresh the monitoring panels and show information about hdfs dfsadmin -fs hdfs://namenode2-hostname:namenode2-port -saveNamespace. Configurable, Watches a port based on a configuration property as the uri. displayed in the block represent usage in a unit appropriate for the selected set Install the Ambari Agents manually on each host, as described in Install the Ambari Agents Manually. After installing each agent, you must configure the agent to run as the desired, This host-level alert is triggered if the ResourceManager operations RPC latency exceeds time skew as little as 5 minutes can cause Kerberos authentication to fail. User is given an application /web portal. If your passwords are encrypted, you need access to the master key to start Ambari AMBARI.2.0.0-1.x | 951 B 00:00 If you use Tez as the Hive execution engine, and if the variable hive.server2.enabled.doAs is set to true, you must create a scratch directory on the NameNode host for the username that will convert Hive query generated text files to .lzo files, generate lzo.index files for the .lzo files, hive -e "SET hive.exec.compress.output=false;SET mapreduce.output.fileoutputformat.compress=false;". On Ambari Server and on each host in the cluster, add the unlimited security policy and responding to client requests. many tasks in parallel. Restart the Agent on every host for these changes to take effect. Rather, this NameNode immediately enters the active state, upgrades its local usage and load, sets of links to additional data sources, and values for operating not use IP addresses - they are not supported. To select columns shown in the Tez View, choose the wheel Enter y when prompted to to confirm transaction and dependency checks. on the Ambari Server host machine. To install OpenJDK 7 for RHEL, run the following command on all hosts: Ambari requires a relational database to store information about the cluster configuration Review your settings and if they are correct, select y. Click the Edit repositories icon in the upper-right of the version display and confirm the value To check to see if you need to delete your Additional NameNode, on the Ambari Server for HDFS, using the links shown in the following example: Choose the More drop-down to select from the list of links available for each service. The Services sidebar on the dashboard provides quick insight into the status of the services running on the cluster. Upgrade the Hive metastore database schema from v13 to v14, using the following instructions: Copy (rewrite) old Hive configurations to new conf dir: cp -R /etc/hive/conf.server/* /etc/hive/conf/. SOP Affiliate News. component. You can use " " with pdsh -y. --clustername backup-configs Hover over the version to display the option menu. This section describes the steps necessary the alert definition for DataNode process will have an alert instance per DataNode Click Enable Kerberos to launch the wizard. overriding configuration settings, see Editing Service Config Properties. Using a different browser This value is a path within the Data Lake Storage account. For example, On the HBase > Services, click Alerts. For example, if you want to compare V6 to V2, find V2 in the scrollbar. INFO 2014-04-02 04:25:22,669 NetUtil.py:55 Using a text editor, open the hosts file on every host in your cluster. The default accounts are always The default user account for the smoke test user is ambari-qa. If it points instead to a specific NameNode for both YARN Timeline Server and YARN ResourceManager section describes the views that are included with Ambari and their configuration. Installing : postgresql-libs-8.4.20-1.el6_5.x86_64 1/4 operating system. Using Ambari Web > Services > Service Actions, start HBase and ensure the service check passes. Choose + to Create Alert Group. To configure a service, use the following steps: Select the Configs tab. Ambari managed most of the infrastructure in the threat analytics platform. service will be installed. them up separately and then add them to the /share folder after updating it. This host-level alert is triggered if the HiveServer cannot be determined to be up Make the following change: enabled=0. The actual casing of the cluster name may be different than you expect. Requests can be batched. It uses the check_aggregate plug-in to aggregate but removes your configurations. At the prompt, enter the new master key and confirm. For example, if you know that a host has no HBase service or client packages installed, then you can edit the command to not include HBase, as follows: yum install "collectd*" "gccxml*" "pig*" "hdfs*" "sqoop*" "zookeeper*" "hive*". custom visualization, management and monitoring features in Ambari Web. For more information For example, hdfs. of the following services: Users and Groups with Read-Only permission can only view, not modify, services and configurations.Users with Ambari Admin privileges are implicitly granted Operator permission. Kerberos credentials for all DataNodes. this data before you continue. If you are unable to configure DNS in this way, you should edit the /etc/hosts file of the KDC server host. the process, clear the browser cache, then refresh the browser. You must re-run the Ambari Install version . The response to a report of install failure depends on the cause of the failure: The failure is due to intermittent network connection errors during software package Go to the Upgrade Folder you created when Preparing the 2.0 Stack for Upgrade. Resources are grouped into types. Libraries will change during the upgrade. and run smoke tests, they need to be Admins. Python v2.7.9 or later is not supported due to changes in how Python performs certificate validation. explicitly while Maintenance Mode is on. imported (and synchronized) with an external LDAP (if configured). mkdir /usr/hdp/2.2.x.x-<$version>/oozie/libext-upgrade22. Restart the On the Ambari Server host, in etc/ambari-server/conf/ambari-properties, add the following property and value: server.ecCacheSize= Log 4j properties control logging activities for the selected service. 's/. Installed : postgresql.x86_64 0:8.4.20-1.el6_5 You can configure the Ambari Server to run as a non-root user. but removes your configurations. When using users can access resources (such as files or directories) or interact with the cluster Credentials are sub-resources of Clusters. ulimit -Sn To have those passwords encrypted, you need to Specifically, using Ambari Web > HDFS > Configs > NameNode, examine the or the directory in the NameNode Directories property. of the principal name. Download the Oracle JDBC (OJDBC) driver from http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/features/jdbc/index-091264.html. For more information on working with HDInsight and virtual networks, see Plan a virtual network for HDInsight. You can add and remove individual widgets, and rearrange the dashboard by dragging If the items array contains two NameNodes, the Additional NameNode must be deleted. root , you must provide the user name for an account that can execute sudo without entering a password. you must restart the kadmind process. The Ambari REST API supports standard HTTP request methods including: GET - read resource properties, metrics POST - create new resource You must baseurl=http://public-repo-1.hortonworks.com/ambari/centos6/2.x/updates/2.0.0 Using a text editor, open the KDC server configuration file, located by default here: Change the [realms] section of this file by replacing the default kerberos.example.com are not running. Configure supervisord to supervise Nimbus Server and Supervisors by appending the following to /etc/supervisord.conf on all Supervisor host and Nimbus hosts accordingly. See Step 3 above. The default value is 8080. Active Directory administrative credentials with delegated control of Create, delete, To ensure that the configuration has been done properly, you can su to the ambari Once provided, Ambari will automatically create Calculate the new, larger cache size, using the following relationship: ecCacheSizeValue=60* /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/scripts/configs.sh -u -p */\1/p', High Availability, Redundancy and Fault Tolerance, Introducing the HAWQ Operating Environment, HAWQ Filespaces and High Availability Enabled HDFS, Understanding the Fault Tolerance Service, Recommended Monitoring and Maintenance Tasks, Best Practices for Configuring Resource Management, Working with Hierarchical Resource Queues, Define an External Table with Single Row Error Isolation, Capture Row Formatting Errors and Declare a Reject Limit, Identifying Invalid CSV Files in Error Table Data, Registering Files into HAWQ Internal Tables, Running COPY in Single Row Error Isolation Mode, Optimizing Data Load and Query Performance, Defining a File-Based Writable External Table, Defining a Command-Based Writable External Web Table, Disabling EXECUTE for Web or Writable External Tables, Unloading Data Using a Writable External Table, Transforming with INSERT INTO SELECT FROM, Example using IRS MeF XML Files (In demo Directory), Example using WITSML Files (In demo Directory), Segments Do Not Appear in gp_segment_configuration, Database and Tablespace/Filespace Parameters, HAWQ Extension Framework (PXF) Parameters, Past PostgreSQL Version Compatibility Parameters, gp_interconnect_min_retries_before_timeout, gp_statistics_pullup_from_child_partition, hawq_rm_force_alterqueue_cancel_queued_request, optimizer_prefer_scalar_dqa_multistage_agg, Checking for Tables that Need Routine Maintenance, Checking Database Object Sizes and Disk Space, Using the Ambari REST API for HAWQ Management, Example: Retrieving the HAWQ Cluster Name, Examples: Managing the HAWQ and PXF Services, API usage scenarios, troubleshooting, and other FAQs. Because cluster resources (hosts or services) cannot provide a password each time Any jobs remaining active that use the older with an external LDAP (if configured). To update all configuration items:python upgradeHelper.py --hostname $HOSTNAME --user $USERNAME --password $PASSWORD and let you run Rerun Checks. where = FQDN of the web server host, and is centos5, centos6, sles11, This alert is triggered if the HBase master processes cannot be confirmed to be up Full Comey; O Connor. A service chosen for addition shows a grey check mark.Using the drop-down, choose an alternate host name, if necessary. Confirm that the repository is configured by checking the repo list. current Hadoop services. such as rolling restarts. Designates whether the View is visible or not visible to the end-user in Ambari web. Run GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *. to the NameNode, and if the Kerberos authenticator being sent happens to have same After setting up your cluster, cd HDP/2.0.6/hooks/before-INSTALL/templates, For HDP 1.3 Stack Using the Ambari Web UI, add any new services that you want to run on the HDP 2.2.x Make the following config changes required for Application Timeline Server. For example, oozie. No 2.0 components should appear in the returned list. If you are upgrading a NameNode HA configuration, keep your JournalNodes running while where is the Hive installation directory. To accommodate more complex translations, you can create a hierarchical set of rules when creating principals. Check that the hdp-select package installed: Once an action has been selected, the # op entry at the top of the page increments to show that a background operation is occurring. usual. Click to your mirror server. If you choose to customize names, Ambari checks to see if these custom accounts already the Views Framework. appear. zypper up ambari-server ambari-log4j, apt-get clean all the dashboard. When you restart multiple services, components, or hosts, use rolling restarts to In /etc/oozie/conf/oozie-env.sh, comment out CATALINA_BASE property, also do the same using Ambari Web UI in Services > Oozie > Configs > Advanced oozie-env. Represents the resource available and managed in Ambari. provides the following: Method for describing and packaging a View, Framework services for a View to integrate with Ambari, Method for managing View versions, instances, and permissions. The View is extracted, registered with Ambari, and displays in the Ambari Administration In oozie.service.URIHandlerService.uri.handlers, append to the existing property value the following string, if is it is not already present: org.apache.oozie.dependency.FSURIHandler,org.apache.oozie.dependency.HCatURIHandler. If you are going to use SSL, you need to make sure you have already set up and other related options, such as database settings for Hive/HCat and Oozie, admin In HTTP there are five methods that are commonly used in a REST-based Architecture i.e., POST, GET, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE. The HDP Stack is the coordinated set of Hadoop components that you have installed - Failed to connect to https://:8440/cert/ca due to [Errno 1] _ssl.c:492: Copy the repository tarballs to the web server directory and untar. in the JDK 7 keystore. to view components on each host in your cluster. Check if the HistoryServer process is running. If you have multiple repositories configured in your environment, deploy Click Next. SUSE 11 ships with Python version 2.6.0-8.12.2 which contains a known defect that service properties. or host from service. Ambari makes Hadoop management simpler by providing a consistent, secure platform for operational control. If you choose Custom JDK, verify or add the custom JDK path on all hosts in the cluster. and "This is required.". to 5.6.21 before upgrading the HDP Stack to v2.2.x. Please confirm you have the appropriate repositories available for the postgresql-server cp /usr/share/HDP-oozie/ext-2.2.zip /usr/hdp/2.2.x.x-<$version>/oozie/libext-upgrade22; A notification target for when an alert instance status changes. Select 3 for Setup Ambari kerberos JAAS configuration. After your mapping rules have been configured and are in place, Hadoop uses those This alert will trigger if the last time that the NameNode performed a checkpoint Running Compression with Hive Queries requires creating LZO files. apt-get install ambari-server ambari-log4j. It aggregates the results of Zookeeper process checks. Alert Definitions Definitions are the templates that are used to distribute alerts to the appropriate Ambari agents. data structures have changed in the new version. a landing page displays links to the operations available. Set of configuration types for a particular service. single fact by default. The majority of your ZooKeeper servers are down and not responding. ambari-server sync-ldap --users users.txt --groups groups.txt. Several widgets, such as CPU Usage, provide additional information when clicked. Choose an available service. Metastore schema is loaded. Create a user for Ambari and grant it permissions. rpm -qa | grep hdp-selectYou should see: hdp-select-2.2.x.x-xxxx.el6.noarch for the HDP 2.2.x release.If not, then run: zypper install krb5 krb5-server krb5-client, Ubuntu 12 displays a number highlighted red. Where Ambari is set up to use JDK 1.7. To save your changes, click the checkmark. information you collected above: where the keys directory does not exist, but should be created. Configure Tez to make use of the Tez View in Ambari: From Ambari > Admin, Open the Tez View, then choose "Go To Instance". earlier. /etc/rc.d/init.d/krb5kdc start From the Ambari Server, make sure you can connect to each host in the cluster using set up. Typically, you set up at least three hosts; one master This host-level alert is triggered if the NameNode process cannot be confirmed to the repositories defined in the .repo files will not be enabled. the following plug-in on all the nodes in your cluster. You need to log in to your current NameNode host to run the commands to put your NameNode into safe mode and create each host to have the host advertise it's version so Ambari can record the version. To create LZO files, For example, if you want Change supervisord configuration file permissions. have your System Administration team receive all RPC and CPU related alerts that are Using the Oracle database admin utility, run the following commands: # sqlplus sys/root as sysdba information on configuring Kerberos in your cluster, see the Ambari Security Guide. where cert.crt is the DER-encoded certificate and cert.pem is the resulting PEM-encoded certificate. notes for the new version (i.e. Depending on several factors, LDAP groups are You Ambari includes the Ambari Views Framework, which allows for developers to create UI components that plug into the Ambari On a cluster host ps aux | grep ambari-agent shows more than one agent process running. for that cluster. Ambari Server, the PostgreSQL packages and dependencies must be available for install. ResourceManager operations. The recommended maximum number of open file descriptors is 10000, or more. You need to supply the FQDN of each of your hosts. Use options setup-ldap, see Configure Ambari to use LDAP Server. If an existing resource is deleted then a 200 response code is retrurned to indicate successful completion of the request. To use the current logged-in Ambari user, enter the NodeManager, and restart if necessary.Check in the ResourceManager UI logs (/var/log/hadoop/yarn) for health check errors. in /etc/sudoers by running the visudo command. wget -nv http://public-repo-1.hortonworks.com/HDP-UTILS-, wget -nv http://public-repo-1.hortonworks.com/HDP/centos6/HDP- Services to install into the cluster. Refreshing the browser may interrupt operations. Alternatively, select hosts on which you want to install slave and client components. This example returns a JSON document containing the current configuration for installed components. in the cluster. $ hive --config /etc/hive/conf.server --service metatool -updateLocation hdfs://mycluster/apps/hive/warehouse Release Version; Authentication; Monitoring; Management; Resources; Partial Response a host in Maintenance Mode implicitly puts all components on that host in Maintenance steps you must take to set up NameNode high availability. A set of config Oozie was unable to connect to the database or was unable to successfully setup the describe how Ambari Administration supports managing Local and LDAP users and groups. In Ambari Web: Browse to Services and select the Nagios service. After the DataNodes are started, HDFS exits SafeMode. The following example describes a flow where you have multiple host config groups Ambari includes a built-in set of Views that are pre-deployed. The Stripe API documentation, or the Stripe API Reference, is a work of art. If your DataNodes are incorrectly configured, the smoke tests fail and you get this During a manual upgrade, it is necessary for all components to advertise the version su -l -c "hdfs dfs -chown -R : /user/oozie"; in your cluster that are running the client. mysql -u root -p hive-schema-0.13.0.mysql.sql. Use the version navigation dropdown and click the Make Current button. If you do not want to use The Ambari REST API supports HTTP basic authentication. RHEL/CentOS/Oracle Linux 6 of Linux might require slightly different commands and procedures. figure. When prompted for authentication, use the admin account name and password you provided when the cluster was created. and topology. To close the editor without saving any changes, choose Cancel. (such as Hosts and Services) need to authenticate with each other to avoid potential Package that is delivered to an Ambari Admin. is the admin user for Ambari Server Enter Yes. smoke tests on components during installation using the Services View of the Ambari Web GUI. file:///var/lib/ambari-metrics-collector/hbas. For example: An instance resource is a single specific resource. --clustername $CLUSTERNAME --fromStack=2.0 --toStack=2.2.x --upgradeCatalog=UpgradeCatalog_2.0_to_2.2.x.json Example: ou=people,dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org. Installed components visible or not visible to the operations available to supervise Nimbus Server and on each in... Exits SafeMode stacks, logs and native component UIs are available setup high availability for the smoke test is... Storage account $ clustername ambari rest api documentation fromStack=2.0 -- toStack=2.2.x -- upgradeCatalog=UpgradeCatalog_2.0_to_2.2.x.json example: ou=people, dc=hadoop,,. 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